
Transforming Manufacturing Data Visualization for Enhanced Efficiency

Alliance Material Handling
200 Employees

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Alliance Material Handling

Employee Size
200 Employees
R3 Services
IT Projects & Managed Services


  • Alliance Material Handling faced an operational and reporting challenge when their ERP become overwhelmed by the amount of calls being made for various reports on a daily basis. 
  • This issue affected multiple teams across the organization from those who use the ERP as a primary resource for their roles to those who simply needed various reports to make business decisions. 
  • R3 was hired to develop a customized reporting system that would serve both groups in an efficient and real-time manner.
  • Using Microsoft Azure, R3 was able to develop pipelines that could make limited calls on a schedule to the ERP and therefore not overwhelm the system. Employees of Alliance Material Handling who simply needed metrics and dashboards from the ERP were able to do so without affecting how it functioned for the operations teams updating it and using it on a daily basis 

Defining the Problem

Our client, a prominent manufacturing entity, grappled with a critical challenge stemming from their ERP system. The issue manifested when multiple employees attempted to pull reports from the ERP vendor, leading to severe system lag and slowdowns. This not only hindered the efficiency of day-to-day operations but also frustrated end-users. The problem was exacerbated by the fact that the ERP restricted direct access to its backend, allowing users access only through Microsoft Nav, which offered dashboards displaying tables of data but lacked visualizations. Despite attempts to leverage Power BI within Microsoft Nav, the system became increasingly sluggish, particularly when numerous users accessed reports simultaneously.  

Recognizing the urgency of the situation, the client enlisted R3 to identify a reporting solution that wouldn’t disrupt their daily tasks. 


Facing the challenge head-on, we initiated a 100% custom project to develop a solution tailored to our client’s specific needs. The key innovation was the creation of a sophisticated data warehouse hosted in Azure. Contrary to initial skepticism from the original ERP vendor, who deemed a non-disruptive reporting solution impossible, our team proved otherwise. 

The data warehouse served as a strategic intermediary, making periodic calls to the ERP system throughout the day. By doing so, we significantly reduced the number of calls made to the ERP, mitigating the system lag caused by multiple users accessing reports simultaneously.  

The integration of Power BI with the Azure data warehouse allowed users to access reports seamlessly without impacting their ERPs performance. Scheduled pipelines ensured strategic intervals for data retrieval from the ERP system, minimizing disruptions. 

Challenges Faced During Implementation 

Implementing this innovative solution came with its set of challenges. Notably, the client had previously attempted to address the reporting issue by using Microsoft Nav, but the dashboards lacked visualizations and failed to alleviate the system slowdowns. Our team had to navigate the complexities of Microsoft Nav and Power BI integration to ensure a seamless connection without compromising the ERP’s performance. Additionally, the ERP vendor initially dismissed the feasibility of a non-disruptive reporting solution, posing an initial challenge. However, through collaborative efforts and innovative problem-solving, we overcame these hurdles and delivered a solution that surpassed expectations. 

The Future: A More Efficient Manufacturing Process:  

With the successful implementation of our custom data visualization solution, our client is now poised for a transformative shift in their manufacturing processes. The ERP system, once plagued by slowdowns, is now more usable and efficient. Users can access reports without fear of system lag, fostering increased adoption of data reporting processes. The impact is far-reaching, extending beyond the IT realm to positively influence core business processes, including customer data management, inventory tracking, and financial reporting. 

This innovative solution not only addresses the immediate challenge but also positions the client for future growth. By providing real-time data insights and streamlining reporting processes, the manufacturing team can make informed decisions promptly, driving overall operational excellence.  

In a remarkably efficient timeframe of 45 hours, R3 successfully transformed data visualization for Alliance Material Handling, overcoming initial skepticism and laying the foundation for a more agile and responsive business environment. 

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Transforming Manufacturing Data Visualization for Enhanced Efficiency