
Transforming IT Infrastructure for Enhanced Efficiency at The American Kidney Fund

American Kidney Fund
Non-Profit Organization & Healthcare
200 Employees

Table of Contents

American Kidney Fund

Non-Profit Organization & Healthcare
Employee Size
R3 Services
STAG, Managed IT Services & IT Projects


  • The American Kidney Fund faced challenges with their overall employee experience and ability to efficiently operate due to cybersecurity measures that were so restrictive that it would make IT leaders at the Pentagon blush.
  • The American Kidney Fund also found itself using an antiquated network infrastructure which included on-prem servers that essentially turned the American Kidney Fund’s HQ into a data center, rather than a true place of business.
  • Working as a strategic partner and virtual CIO, R3 was able to identify where bottlenecks in operations were happening and developed a strategic IT roadmap to transform, modernize, and right-size the security and IT operations of The American Kidney Fund. These strategic changes allowed The American Kidney Fund to get back to focusing on its mission and less on the bureaucratic red tape that inhibited production, while not sacrificing any security.

The Problem

Overly cumbersome and unnecessary security protocols prevented stakeholders from effectively doing their jobs.

Before engaging with R3, The American Kidney Fund faced significant challenges stemming from an overly cumbersome and restrictive IT environment. The organization was burdened by stringent security measures that hindered the productivity of its stakeholders. Cumbersome security setups, lack of user-friendly interfaces, and the absence of essential tools like single sign-on created frustration among employees, lobbyists, fundraisers, kids camp organizers, emergency support teams, and grant managers. The user experience was marred by multiple logins, VPN requirements, and isolated networks within their own office premises.

The existing on-premises infrastructure was over-engineered, resulting in unnecessary expenses and complexities. A myriad of technologies and functionalities, often labeled as ‘bells and whistles,’ exceeded the actual business requirements. This situation not only impeded day-to-day operations but also contributed to high levels of confusion and dissatisfaction among end-users. The American Kidney Fund needed a comprehensive overhaul to streamline their IT systems and make them conducive to the organization’s mission.


Simplifying operations without sacrificing security.

As a trusted adviser and virtual Chief Information Officer (vCIO), R3 undertook a strategic partnership with The American Kidney Fund leadership to develop an IT roadmap that would streamline operations. We initiated a complete re-architecture of their systems, transitioning from an on-premises setup to a more agile and scalable cloud-based infrastructure. The Headquarters, once a traditional data center, transformed into a modern workspace resembling a Wi-Fi café, fostering flexibility and collaboration.

Key components of the solution included a cloud management and migration strategy, an overhaul of security infrastructure, and aligning the IT infrastructure with the organization’s overarching mission. We addressed issues related to redundancies, over-engineering, and right-sized both staffing and technology. This included a network upgrade, transitioning to current managed network infrastructure, and implementing Azure Architecture for cloud management.

Challenges Faced During Solution Development

While implementing the solution, our team faced several challenges, including navigating a landscape marked by impending personnel changes. Maintaining consistency and service delivery during a period of transition required a delicate balance. We addressed the need for strategic roadmaps, ensuring that the IT infrastructure would support The American Kidney Fund’s five pillars. Assessing and enhancing security infrastructure amid leadership changes demanded careful planning and execution.

The transition from on-premises to cloud architecture presented logistical challenges, and ensuring no disruption in services during this critical phase was a top priority. Right-sizing the staffing and overall IT infrastructure required meticulous evaluation and communication to remove redundancies and inefficiencies without compromising functionality.

Life After Implementation

Getting back to saving lives.

Since the implementation of the solution, The American Kidney Fund has experienced a transformative shift in their IT environment. The user experience has reached an all-time high, with a significant improvement in remote access capabilities. Stakeholders are now able to focus more on their core responsibilities rather than grappling with IT-related hurdles. The frustration and confusion associated with multiple logins, VPN requirements, and isolated networks are now a thing of the past.

The cost structure has seen a positive impact, with a substantial decrease in staffing and infrastructure costs. By moving to a cloud-based solution, The American Kidney Fund has not only reduced the complexity of their IT systems but also eliminated the need for a secondary backup data center, contributing to further cost savings. The upgraded network infrastructure and removal of outdated equipment have modernized the organization’s IT capabilities.

In essence, our strategic partnership and the implemented solution have not only resolved the initial problems faced by The American Kidney Fund but have positioned them for sustained efficiency, scalability, and adaptability in the ever-evolving IT landscape. The successful collaboration stands as a testament to the value of a proactive IT managed service provider acting as a trusted adviser and catalyst for positive organizational change.

Recent Case studies

Transforming IT Infrastructure for Enhanced Efficiency at The American Kidney Fund