
What is ISO 20000?

In today’s technology-driven business world, it is essential to have a well-defined and robust IT service management system to ensure smooth and efficient operations. The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) has recognized this need and has developed the ISO 20000 standard, which specifies the requirements for IT service management systems (ITSMS). In this blog post, we will explore ISO 20000 in detail, including what it is, its requirements, how to earn the certification, which businesses need it, and why choosing an IT Managed Service Provider (MSP) is the best choice to meet the requirements.

What is ISO 20000?

ISO 20000 is a globally recognized standard for IT service management that outlines the best practices for delivering high-quality IT services. The standard defines the requirements for an ITSMS and provides a framework for managing IT services throughout their lifecycle. ISO 20000 is based on the IT Infrastructure Library (ITIL) framework and aligns with other ISO standards, such as ISO 9001 and ISO 27001.

ISO 20000 was first introduced in 2005 and was later revised in 2011 and 2018. The latest version, ISO 20000-1:2018, specifies the requirements for an ITSMS and ISO 20000-2:2019 provides guidance on implementing the standard.

What are the requirements of ISO 20000?

The ISO 20000 standard defines the requirements for an ITSMS in terms of the following components:

  1. Service management system (SMS) – This includes the policies, objectives, processes, and documentation required to manage IT services effectively.
  2. Service management processes – This includes the processes required to manage the IT services, such as incident management, problem management, change management, release management, and service level management.
  3. Service management functions – This includes the roles and responsibilities required to manage the IT services effectively, such as service desk, technical management, application management, and operations management.
  4. Service management technology – This includes the technology and tools required to support the IT services, such as monitoring tools, service desk tools, and service catalog tools.
  5. Service management measurement – This includes the metrics and measurements required to evaluate the effectiveness of the IT services and identify areas for improvement.

To comply with the ISO 20000 standard, an organization must demonstrate that its ITSMS meets these requirements and that it is continuously improving its IT service management processes.

How to earn the ISO 20000 certification?

To earn the ISO 20000 certification, an organization must follow these steps:

  1. Assess the current IT service management system – The first step is to assess the organization’s current IT service management system against the ISO 20000 requirements.
  2. Develop an implementation plan – Once the gaps in the current IT service management system are identified, an implementation plan should be developed to address these gaps and ensure compliance with the ISO 20000 requirements.
  3. Implement the ITSMS – The implementation plan should be executed to implement the ITSMS.
  4. Conduct an internal audit – An internal audit should be conducted to ensure that the ITSMS meets the ISO 20000 requirements.
  5. Conduct a certification audit – Once the internal audit is completed, an external certification audit should be conducted by an accredited certification body to verify that the ITSMS meets the ISO 20000 requirements.
  6. Maintain and continuously improve the ITSMS – To maintain the certification, the organization must continuously monitor and improve its ITSMS.

Which businesses need ISO 20000?

ISO 20000 is relevant to any organization that provides IT services, whether it is an internal IT department or an external IT service provider. However, the certification is particularly beneficial for businesses that rely heavily on IT services to deliver their products or services, such as financial institutions, healthcare organizations, e-commerce companies, and government agencies. These businesses cannot afford to have their IT systems fail or experience downtime, as it can result in significant financial losses and damage to their reputation.

ISO 20000 certification is also beneficial for IT service providers that want to differentiate themselves from their competitors by demonstrating their commitment to delivering high-quality IT services. It can also help them win contracts with clients who require their IT service providers to be ISO 20000 certified.

Why pick an IT MSP to meet the ISO 20000 requirements?

Choosing an IT Managed Service Provider (MSP) is the best option for businesses that want to meet the ISO 20000 requirements. An MSP is an external company that provides IT services to businesses on a subscription basis. Here are some reasons why an MSP is the best choice:

  1. Expertise – MSPs have specialized expertise in IT service management and are well-versed in the ISO 20000 standard. They have the necessary skills and experience to develop, implement, and maintain an ITSMS that meets the ISO 20000 requirements.
  2. Cost-effectiveness – Outsourcing IT services to an MSP can be more cost-effective than hiring an in-house IT team. MSPs can provide a range of IT services at a lower cost due to their economies of scale.
  3. Flexibility – MSPs can provide IT services on-demand and can scale their services up or down based on the client’s needs. This makes it easier for businesses to manage their IT costs and ensures that they have the right level of support when they need it.
  4. Focus on core business – Outsourcing IT services to an MSP allows businesses to focus on their core business activities without having to worry about managing their IT systems. This can result in improved productivity and efficiency.
  5. Risk management – MSPs can help businesses manage their IT risks by implementing IT security measures, disaster recovery plans, and backup solutions. This can help minimize the impact of IT incidents and ensure business continuity.

ISO 20000 is a globally recognized standard for IT service management that outlines the best practices for delivering high-quality IT services. It is relevant to any organization that provides IT services, whether it is an internal IT department or an external IT service provider. To earn the ISO 20000 certification, an organization must follow the steps outlined in this post and demonstrate that its ITSMS meets the ISO 20000 requirements.

Choosing an IT Managed Service Provider (MSP) is the best choice for businesses that want to meet the ISO 20000 requirements. MSPs have the necessary expertise, cost-effectiveness, flexibility, focus on core business, and risk management capabilities to help businesses manage their IT services effectively and efficiently. By working with an MSP, businesses can ensure that their IT systems are reliable, secure, and compliant with the ISO 20000 standard.


What is ISO 20000?